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Dress Code in Iran for Tourists | What to Wear in Iran

Dress Code in Iran for Tourists | What to Wear in Iran

The first Question that female travelers impinge to their minds is, Do I have to wear hijab? Are these photos and videos which is shown on the media real? The answer is YES & NO. Yes, you have to have hijab in this country and No not like what you have seen in media. The first thing that you should always know is having hijab is not a tradition or custom, it is Law! Regardless of it is a good or bad law, travelers should respect the culture which is running at their destinations. However, in this post we are talking about that there is NO worry about such things here because it isn’t what you think at all!

There are 2 famous words which you have to know their meanings. First is Chador, a large piece of cloth that is wrapped around the head and upper body leaving only the face exposed, worn especially by Muslim women WHICH IS NOT COMPULSORY IN IRAN. Actually, if you walk in the streets you will find out maybe 20-30% of the women have Chadors! (depends on the which city). The other word is Manto, which is a dress to cover your feminine curves. (i.e. your bum).

As funny as you imagined, you just have wear a scarf to cover your Hair (it doesn’t need to be fully covered, just a little bit is enough) a long Skirt or Pants and have Manto. That’s it! This concerns is just about summers but in the winter the dress is the same as on your country. A coat with warm clothes and pants. The only difference is the scarf that you have to wear.

For the fact you have to know that Iranian women are very tied up about their fashion and styles especially the young girls. There are lot of fashion shows and boutiques that running every day in Iran to show their latest fashion releases.

Now some tips about dress code in Iran:
Tip 1: All these rules are valid when you are in public. You can be like your culture on private times. Even when you are with a local in some parts of the nature you can be freer about it

Tip 2: There is no color code! Put on any color you want with any of your Dress (Manto, Coat, Scarf, Jean, Pants, Skirts). This is one of the other issues that always was shown on west Media that women have to wear black or dark colors in Iran! However, it is basically wrong.

Tip 3: skinny jeans and leggings are in fact very common in most cities in Iran especially in summers you can use them.

Tip 4: Chador will be used on some holy places which there is no worry. They will Give it to you in entrances just for visiting the place. Although most of the mosques doesn’t need any chador.

Tip 5: If you could buy traditional colorful Iranian art mantos, Do it! You will need it for photo shooting in some of your sight seeing’s. Just look at the Nora Piero Photos in Shiraz and Kashan.

Tip 6: Remember to have these dresses when you get in to the airplane (For coming to Iran). when the flight passes the Iranian Border, they will ask you to put on proper clothes. Because when you get of the plane you should have these dress codes on International Airport too.

Men’s Dress Code:
There is No such thing for Men in Iran But, No Shorts and Tops on Public. That’s it. Wearing ties or bows is not a problem. T-shirts are acceptable.

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