+98 71 32302028 - +98 9175355922  | Shiraz – Anvari St. – Zand Ave.


Budget Hotel in Shiraz

Shiraz Sasan Hotel is a popular choice for travelers seeking comfortable and affordable accommodation in the heart of Shiraz. The hotel is well-known for its central location, which makes it easy for guests to access many of the city’s most famous attractions. For those interested in exploring Shiraz’s historical and cultural...
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Your Travel Gateway to Iran

Your Room, Your Way Old and popular with international visitors, Sasan Hotel is one of the finest places in Shiraz to stay. Recent refurbishments have turned it into an even more exciting place for our guests. The hotel is located in the heart of the city and on walking distance...
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Be Smart, Travel Right …

Transportation: Your safety and comfort is our top priority, therefore we have a crew of professional drivers, which can transport you in between sights or neighbouring cities with modern and comfortable vehicles. Tour Services: With our experience in planning and operating tailor made tours we offer magnificent private tours all...
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Iran Transport Information

Air Transportation There are many airports in Iran that you can use for your trip. This way you can save time and spend less time on the road and you will be able to visit more cities and attractions. This way you can save time and spend less time on...
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Hotel Services & Facilities

Hotel Services & Facilities:   Trip Planning Best possible travel plans to check your treatment and services with the least waste of time. Accommodation Providing your flight and hotel, and checking the time and the chosen service. Airport Transfers / Pickup Welcome you at the airport before you arrive at...
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