Air Transportation
There are many airports in Iran that you can use for your trip. This way you can save time and spend less time on the road and you will be able to visit more cities and attractions. This way you can save time and spend less time on the road and you will be able to visit more cities and attractions. But you have to pay more. Because air travel in Iran is the most expensive form of transportation
Road Transportation
Road transport between different cities in Iran is done in two ways: bus and taxi. In Iran, buses run from every center of the province to other provinces. Iran’s intercity buses are classified into two (types of ordinary and VIP). Intercity taxis are another choice that you can use to travel from one city to another. These taxis are safe and operate under the supervision of a taxi organization. Taxis are more expensive than buses. Road transport is cheaper than traveling by plane and also you can enjoy the natural scenery.
Rail Transportation
In Iran, most cities are connected by rail. Iranian trains with different grades on these lines are moving passengers. You can enjoy more comfort by using rail transport than by bus or taxi and can relax on the bed and enjoy the restroom and restaurant. Iran’s railways are often very beautiful, and you can see the most pristine natural landscapes of Iran and also it is cheaper than the flight, but you need to keep in mind that you will be on the way for long hours.