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Persian Numbers

Numbers in Persian (Farsi)

I’m sure you are used to roman numbers in daily life. However, Farsi or Persian language gives you a whole new world. But I can assure you learning it is easy enough. You just need to learn 0-9 letter to be understood about the whole system. The Good point is most of public numbers shows in Roman letters too.

You have 2 Major concerns. Firstly, The Streets and signs. Something about 90% of the signs in the streets have both Persian and Roman numbers and letters. Metro and Bus Station follow this rule too.

Shops often only use Farsi in their signs, which can make pinpointing a specific place difficult however navigation is made easier by the fact that most street signs are bilingual, and contain street names that use both Farsi and Roman letters. This gives visitors a shot at being able to read maps and find their way around. When it comes to menus at restaurants and cafes, you’ve got about a 50/50 chance of getting an English menu. Thankfully, the super friendly Iranians will do all they can to make sure you can order something that you want.

Keep these 10 tips in mind when you travel to Iran and they will set you in good stead when you arrive. If you’ve been to Iran and have any tips you’d like to share, please let us know in the comments section below – I’m sure our readers would love to know.

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