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Iran Weather / When to travel to Iran

March, April, May are peak seasons. September, October and the first week of November are high seasons in Iran. Maybe you will have some issues in these months such as Busy Attractions, lack of flight tickets or other transportation, Expensive tickets and most importantly, hotels get booked very fast.

If you want to travel in these seasons, we recommend you to manage your time and book your hotels and transportation’s ticket at least two months earlier.

The First and second week of March, is a great time to travel. The weather will start warming up. Domestic trips have not started yet, and sightseeing is not crowded. So it’s the best time to travel.

The lasts two weeks of March, which is the beginning of Iranian New Year (Nowruz), the weather all around Iran is very pleasant and most of the Iranian families go on the trip.

Travel in touristic cities such as Shiraz, Isfahan, Mashhad and the north of Iran may cause problems for travelers in visiting sightseeing and may be frustrating for some who seek tranquility and also people who travel on this time need to be more flexible about finding the right accommodation. At this time we have a rate increase which could be up to 25% each year. So those tourists who would like to see Iran in Persian New Year and after should consider this issue, too.

November, December, January, and February are low season
Because it is school opening time and the weather is cold, in these seasons the prices of hotels and domestic flights are reduced. In these months the beautiful southern beaches such as Kish and Qeshm are a great destination for traveling due to the pleasant weather.

June, July, August are low seasons too because the weather is hot. In the north and northwest, the air temperature is better. If you plan to go to visit Tabriz, you have to choose the summer to stay away from the cold weather. Hotel prices are lower.

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